My name is Tracy.

I have been an advocate for meditation and have been meditating for years. I have always journaled my thoughts and often wrote down snippets that came to me during meditation. I had heard about auto-writing but never really thought about trying it. I was delighted when one day after meditation pages of words just came streaming out of me onto the paper. I was not actively forming the thoughts and could barely keep up with the words wanting to flow out.

Wow! What an amazing experience!

At first, the messages and writings were pertinent and the details seemed to reference the happenings in my life. They showed me multiple perspectives while uncovering thoughts and feelings that were not present in my conscious mind. It was extremely thought provoking and expansive.

Soon they became more general in subject matter and I realized that most people could benefit from the messages. I decided to share some with friends and eventually began sending out a daily email with a handwritten message.

Some are short, some are abstract, some are fun, but all are meant to provoke thought and reflection. I do not actively and consciously come up with the messages. They are presented to me in meditation and I simply record and share them. My hope is that every day the message I share resonates with at least one person who reads it. That it brings some love, joy, inspiration or motivation. That someone smiles, laughs or sees a new perspective.

I am so grateful for the gift of these messages and I am delighted to share them with anyone interested, so feel free to spread the word. Thank you for the opportunity!
