Scared Geometry

While doing energy work I saw triangles extending out in opposite directions. One point was extending to the left of the area and I understood that this was accessing past experiences from the current lifetime and all past lifetimes. The other triangle point was to the right and was accessing all the highest potentials and outcomes of future experiences and existences. Through these triangles a multitude of choice points were triangulating and reconfiguring drawing strengths from all experiences and purging all non congruent energies creating the most desirable outcome in the now.

I also saw a series of concentric circles all interconnecting which I understood were representing others energies influencing the individuals energy field.

I was shown that if I viewed it from above it appeared as one big unified symbol/shape/geometry. But if I brought my perspective down and viewed it from the side I could see that none of the circles were actually touching each other. They were all their own individual entities floating at different heights and angles but never touching.

In expanding the view and perspective, I could see that the energies were self contained and not effecting or influencing the whole.

What I understand is that our linear thinking and understanding of life and “how it works” causes a conglomerate and congestion of energies and entraps us in limiting beliefs, programs and perspectives where we are enmeshed with a multitude of other energies that are potentially not serving us.

By expanding to a quantum view we are freed from the entanglement of energies and are brought back into a state of sovereignty.


It’s like washing away lifetimes of muck and gunk that are causing disturbances in our energy fields.

It’s like losing thousands of pounds.

It’s like opening your eyes for the first time.

It’s like coming up for air after being under water for a millennia.



